- Katrin Hotel & Bungalows - Destination - Sustainable Travel

Sustainable Travel

Countless articles have been written and more are about to follow regarding sustainability and sustainable travel. To preserve and protect, we need to understand and evaluate all the scientific available data, plan and act by using all the tools given to us by the global scientific community.

Nature teaches, stimulates our spirit and our curiosity as a source of creation and balance. Through these applied rules, it teaches frugality, and simplicity. Through its lawfulness and harmony, it can lead humankind away from materialism, over-consumptive society to the extent of possible.  

The need for respect of nature and humankind is particularly pronounced nowadays, where the one-sided material-technical development is deprived - in many cases of higher spiritual ideals. 

The destruction and mismanagement or inadequate management of the environment is an indivisible and universal issue. It is imperative that we think and act with morality. We must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

Leaving our home and country does not mean that we must leave any of our habits behind. There is always something we can all do to contribute towards protecting the natural resources of our home, Earth.   

-          Bring your environmental ethics along to your vacation in Crete. 

We need you on board, get involved!



How you can contribute during your stay with us.

We have created a background which allows all our guests and every member of our staff to actively contribute to our commitment to sustainability. Here’s a dozen of tips for you:

  • Deactivate the supply of electrical energy to your room while you are out (key card). 
  • Turn off the water taps while shaving or brushing your teeth. 
  • Take a quick shower rather than a bath. 
  • Reuse your towels when possible.
  • Place the paper, plastic, glass, aluminium, batteries, electric devices, you no longer need, even your cigarette butts in the recycling bins. 
  • We know you want to taste every delicacy made with local ingredients, sharing our food culture makes us both happy and proud, make sure to fill your plate and enjoy responsibly.
  • Buy from and support local businesses 
  • Eat local
  • Say no to single use plastic
  • Enjoy public lands responsibly
  • Do not disturb plants, vegetation or animals
  • Offer your support to environmental organizations
  • Traveling sustainably ensures that the places you visit today will still be around in future to visit again. 


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